Thursday, 17 January 2008

Crumbs from the Tea Table

When one is baking it is often difficult to find time to sit and blog and in any case the keyboard gets sticky! But here are a few jottings from the tea shop to bring you up to date;

1. Mincemeat was made (12lb) and Christmas Pud, and either used or given away as gifts so that now there is very little left.

2. Fayre was baked for Christmas Fairs and sold (over £200 raised). Also Nets thinks that we Catholics are a noisy bunch.

3. In the lull between Christmas and the New Year, myself and Young Bunts (YB) threw a tea party for friends and a good time was had and I am happy to report that YB can now make a Victoria Sponge as good as anyone, (see new snazzy banner above).

4. The recipe find of the season was Nigella's Cranberry, White Chocolate and Pecan Cookies. I'm not sure how many batches were made and consumed but it has been declared "The best cookie recipe ever" by more than one group of people.

5. The inevitable Lemon Drizzle was made to celebrate my birthday. I really think it would be nice to make something else but this fail-safe recipe is universally liked and so easy to do.

6. To the tea table collection has been added a fairly-traded flat, but slightly domed plate which is ideal for large cakes which need to be cut and I think it would be perfect for cheesecakes (Tia Maria?) and flans. A mug adorned with a picture of a fairy cake, topped with a glace cherry. This is scary to drink from as one gets the illusion that one's eye is about to be poked out by the cherry. A spatula with hearts on (valentine not offal). An apron with buns/fairy cakes on, ditto a pair of socks. And recently YB came hope with a wonderful 2 tier cake stand decorated with cakes in the most lovely box. Also I have so many cards with cakes on that I think I shall gather them together and get them laminated and use them as place mats for the forthcoming garden party season...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now let me see...who will be doing the laminating?